Monday, August 4, 2008

All Those Unmanaged Web Sites Out There

Is there anyone in business today who disagrees that having a vibrant appealing web site is now an absolute "Must Have"?

It's the first place a potential prospect or employee or strategic business partner goes to learn about a company.  It's the first place they go to evaluate you versus your competition. Remember that old saying "You only have one chance to make a good first impression"?  Well, today, that first impression is made by your web site.  In fact, today, I'd argue that it's your web presence OVERALL and not just your web site that is making that critical first impression. Your company is being googled and whatever shows up on that first page of a google search represents your company in today's digital interconnected universe.

When is the last time you googled your own company or brand?  Try it.  Be a secret shopper for an afternoon and pretend you know next to nothing about your company and/or brand.  Google it.  Do you like what you see?    Do you see things that you'd like to change and improve?  Is your SEM and SEO what it should be?

Now, here's the $64,000 you have anyone in your organization whose primary job is to manage the internet presence of your company and/or brand?  If not, WHY NOY? How easy is it for you to make changes to your web site and actively manage your web presence?   Companies and their senior executives generally get all hot and bothered about building or rebuilding a web site and then they check it off the "to do list" and move on to the next project. That's insanity.  Whenever I revisit a web site and see that it is exactly the way it was the last time I looked, I conclude two things:  1)no one is paying attention and 2) this company doesn't get it.  They are not a sophisticated marketing communicator and probably not a very well run business.  In some cases these are probably erroneous perceptions, but perception is reality.  The point is that if you, as a senior marketing or corporate executive, are ignoring your web presence or attending to it only periodically, you are ignoring a critically vital aspect of your company.

Your web presence is NOT a project or a part-time job.  It is a strategically vital dynamic communication platform that is probably more important than every other communication tool in your marketing arsenal.  It merits full time attention .  It is never "DONE".  It is a work in progress that should be evaluated, measured and managed every single day.  

If your company is not paying enough attention to its web presence, shame on you.  Start!  It's marketing insanity not to.

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